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My week with Nimvelo: Ethan

Ethan hard at work

Hi! I’m Ethan and this week (25th-29th June 2018) I’ve been doing work experience at Nimvelo. I’ve really enjoyed the experience and gotten to know the team quite well. They’re all very friendly and were happy to accept me into the workplace for the week. I have partaken in many different tasks, from working with Sabrina on the marketing, to coding with Adam and Josh. Here’s how my week panned out.


On Monday, I met the team, joined the team’s collaboration tools, and wrote a help article for the knowledge base. Writing the help article was very interesting – being able to go through the process myself, and then writing a step-by-step guide on how to do it in a way that made sense (I hope it was helpful).

I also learnt some basic command line commands, such as rm (remove), and pwd (print working directory), amongst others. At lunch, I took a walk along the canal and snapped some amazing photos (the nice weather helped). I also played my first proper game of pool – unfortunately, I didn’t do too well!


On Tuesday, I worked with Sabrina and Ria to write a blog on internet phone services, I also got to write some tweets for the Nimvelo Twitter page. I really enjoyed seeing my own work up on the Nimvelo website and on social media. Later that day, it was on to learn some HTML, CSS, Sass and Bootstrap from scratch, ready for my final project which was to build a status monitor for Nimvelo’s brand new product, coming soon!

Wednesday and Thursday

On Wednesday I got stuck into building the status monitor. I wrote the HTML and CSS on Wednesday morning, and in the afternoon Josh helped me out with the JavaScript side of things.

On Thursday morning, I completed the code for the monitor, which gave me a massive sense of achievement! On Thursday afternoon, it was back to writing some more help articles and answering some FAQs.


By Friday, there was practically nothing left for me to do as I had finished everything so quickly, but I was able to help out with the bookkeeping (which I’m told is supposed to be boring but I didn’t find it too boring). As a thank you for all my hard work through the week, at lunchtime, I was treated to an awesome meal in the cafe!

The week as a whole

Overall, this week has been extremely enjoyable; I have learnt many new skills, including coding, blog writing, collaboration and time management… especially time management! I feel I have come away from this experience knowing how a business works and how everyone has their own part to play in its success, and I’m very upset that I have to leave it all. Thank you to everyone in the Nimvelo team for making me feel welcome and for all your encouragement along the way!

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