In light of our present growth and future expansion plans, we realised it was time to set off into the sunset (well, the reflection from the Selfridges building actually) and leave our cramped, broom-cupboard of an office behind us.
We have now set up camp just down the road on the very aptly named Birmingham Science Park, which we feel offers the ideal environment in which to ramp things up and move our business forward over the next 12 months.

As the technology hub for the area, its “Science Park without Walls” philosophy means Birmingham Science Park is literally bursting with new contacts, support and opportunities for partnership and growth.
For the record, our new address will be:
Unit 10, iBIC
Birmingham Science Park
Holt Court South
Jennens Road
Birmingham B7 4EJ
And, the best thing about our new office is…
…it overlooks the pub (good job we’re not easily distracted)!